Sunday, June 04, 2006

Talking to 49 Superintendents - Practical Theory

Chris Lehmann really hit this on the head - good reading! Talking to 49 Superintendents - Practical Theory: "Talking to 49 Superintendents Will Richardson has a great opportunity tomorrow -- he's got a captive audience made up of 49 Superintendents, and he asked for input about what to say to them. I was grappling with this one for a while, and I finally hit on what I wanted to say when I talked to Will on the phone today. Tell them that our schools have to change or die. Tell them that there are more and more people arguing that the classroom... the very thing that we have spent our professional career in love with... is becoming obsolete. Tell them that those people are right unless we learn to change. Tell them that our kids already have changed. Tell them that our kids need us to teach even more. Our kids have more access to a more varied level of information than ever before in human history and our kids need us to teach them how to navigate that space more than ever. Tell them that locking out the sites and tools of this new world our kids live in will render us irrelevant and useless when our students need us most. Tell them that this new world means that teaching skills -- cognitive and meta-cognitive -- is now more important than memorizing content. Tell them that multiple choice tests can't possibly measure the new skills our kids must master. Tell them that our students can be content producers now as much as content consumers. Tell them that many of our students know how to reach a larger audience more quickly than any school district memo could ever hope to. Tell them that"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.