Monday, December 06, 2010

100 Best (and Free) Online Learning Tools

The 100 Best (And Free) Online Learning Tools | Edudemic
We’re always excited to find the next best thing. But how does one actually find this supposed next best thing? Let EduDemic and it’s sister site EduDatum do the work for you! For example, ever wanted to spend zero dollars but have some of the most bleeding edge technologies at your disposal? Fear not!

In the vain of C4LPT, we bring you many other resources that are not as well-known as those featured on their site. (Be sure to check out their list though as it also has some great stuff!) Below you will find a dazzling number of free (open) resources to learn, engage, and just make learning more fun. Enjoy!

Sharing and Collaborating

These sites offer a place for educators to find open educational resources as well as provide a place for those who want to share their ideas or work collaboratively on projects......

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