Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Teachers Network
How-To: Incorporate New Media into Your Classroom Using a Discussion Forum on Nicenet.org
Peggy Maslow

As I have mentioned in many of my columns previously, www.Nicenet.org is a free discussion forum which can be used by all educators. A discussion forum is a public classroom forum for creating, discussing and reflecting on ideas. Characteristics are: * An asynchronous experience (Writing can be posted by students at any time before the appointed date.) * A place where assignments can be posted by the teacher and then students post their writing * A place to post pre-selected links * A place where a teacher can read student work samples and any member of the class can also read other students' writing. * A place where any member of the class, teacher or students, can reply to a posted piece of writing. Students respond to various topics under what is called "conferencing," usually posted in advance by the teacher. Depending on the purpose of the writing, it may be revised or not. The writing can be informal and shared with others in the class. Or it can be a final draft posted for assessment by other students and/or the teacher. It is expected that students will be respectful of the writing and opinions of others and that they will respond accordingly.

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